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04-14-2016, 12:17 PM
Crashpunk's Avatar
cun't spill
: Feb 2008
: Nottingham, UK
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Been playing a lot of different games recently.

Playing Metal Gear Solid again. Doing a blind runthough on my channel (Which nobody seems to want to watch. But fuck it I'm doing it anyway). Love the game. I'm becoming more and more of a Metal Gear fan by the day.

Just beat Sniper Wolf and holy crap was that a fucking intense boss fight. I had no clue what to do at first, but I learnt that when she's not aiming and running to another spot. That's when you fire. I dislike how you have to keep taking those pills to make your aiming better, plus you only a have few so once you run out, it's even harder.

I also just failed the torture section. So RIP Meryl. :S

Played a lot of Pokemon as well on the side. Just managed to complete the National Dex again after my first game with all the Pokemon on it was lost. Now I'm just waiting for Sun/Moon news and hunt for Shinys every now and then.

And just this evening started replaying Fallout: New Vegas. Tried to mod the shit out of it but had huge difficulties making everything work. So I just settled for just a few "essential" ones. Most to improve the games visuals.

I'm aiming to do all the DLC which I never did and finally play a character which joins the Legion. I always avoided it because they're fucking scum. But I need some achievements goddamn it!

New Vegas is still my favorite game in the series. Despite my defense of Fallout 4.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

Last edited by Crashpunk; 04-14-2016 at 12:20 PM..
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