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03-31-2016, 01:04 AM
EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
: Aug 2009
: Australia
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God, I had Jet Moto 2 when I was a little baby boy kid. I don't think I ever really knew what I was doing in that game.
I got Jet Moto 2 on my PS Vita as well, and I have no clue what I am doing either. Seems all the heavy bikes got thrown out for the light ones, I'm bouncing all over the place.

I'll stick to Jet Moto for some time before I jump to Jet Moto 2.

But it's got Gears Of War.


Man, the GoW series get boring so quickly. Unlike the other GoW series, for the Playstation Consoles
Gears of war... What a crock. I thought I was playing something on the scale of Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King, when I saw how epic the defense of the captial city was shaping out to be in Gears 2, and all we got was a couple levels within the city and 2-3 AI Gears to fight along side that die faster than a Halo Marine on Heroic setting.

/End rant.
The past is a different country.

Last edited by EVP_Glukkon; 03-31-2016 at 01:12 AM..
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