My working theory is we need to feed something back to the message box to let it know we’ve got its message, but I don’t know what. I’ve tried:
I'd agree, that's what I was speculating too. I also tried the "We can hear you" but nothing.. I also tried several combinations of the MC letters we got. There must be more to those borked MC letters we got.. ED can't be the only useful one!
Edit: Remember how the form says FIND ME, HEAR ME, SAVE ME when you type ED into it? I just took a big shot in the dark, and tried saving the ED page into different formats, to see what would happen. Nothing..
Edit 2: Alright, I'm about to go full tinfoil right now.
The first and last unconfirmed MC's are
. - *static* and *static* - . , and the last sounds reversed specially since it starts with static, and the first ends with it. What if the static is supposed to represent another tone which we need to figure out? What if it's -- . or ME? ME ED. His name's ED, confirmed!1!!111!
Please, my brain hurts.