All you have to do is make a dumb joke that he takes out of context and BAM.
Your front page on his site before you can say "It was just a joke."
He has some weird personal grunge against me. I should be flattered but I'm more creeped out by it really.
The only reason why I'm on there so much is the fact I put two and two together and accused him of disliking my videos. This was when a huge number of them were coming from his country. I've apologies for it numinous times but he's having none of it.
He also thinks I was paid to test New 'N' Tasty and thinks I've sold out to OWI. This is not the case at all. Most of all the amazing things I've experience Oddworld related has been down to Wil and at the time; Just Add Water. The idea of having a good relationship with a game dev WITHOUT being paid for it is apparently not possible.
Not really wanting to drag anyone into it, but if you seriously don't believe me. Go ask them. Fucks sake.