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03-22-2016, 04:45 PM
FennecFyre's Avatar
Bola Blast
: Feb 2016
: Heck if I know.
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Blog Entries: 3
Rep Power: 10
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Fair 'nuff, Varrok and Nep.

Actually Slog Bait's idea about writing the thing out in small chunks rather than one giant thread is actually a really really good idea. It could play out in "scenes", sort of. That way, characters could be spread out around the world, doing their own thing but still affecting/being affected by the main plot, rather than all stuck in one big clump together. Obviously I'd need to work out a timeline and keep things organized buuuut this has given me something to think about.

E: And while I would prefer people use OCs, I could certainly try to work in canons too.

EE: Anyone here ever written a tabletop campaign? I want there to be a solid storyline for players to follow but at the same time, the players pretty much make the storyline as they go through the game, so I can only outline so much to begin with. Pointers appreciated.


I'm going to be taking Slog Bait's idea and running with it, and trying to run this game like a whole-forum RP, rather than a one-thread RP. SO, that means while there will be big important plot-related action threads that players can participate in, they will also be free to make their own small-group/1x1 threads that will take place within the same world/storyline as the plot threads, but will just be for fun and character interaction. We'll have some OOC threads as well--one for rules and info and whatnot, one for character records, one for chat/plotting, etc. As for the diceroll/stat thing, I'm still looking into that, but now I've come up with a couple alternate ideas that I want to run by you all to see what sounds best. I'll be making a poll for that here.

Last edited by FennecFyre; 03-24-2016 at 06:19 PM..
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