Interest Check: Tabletop-campaign-style story-based RP?
Let's see if we can't dust off this poor roleplay forum. I was thinking of trying to start an RP on here that would be more in the style of a typical DnD/Pathfinder/etc campaign--rather than having an open stage, there would be a set conflict to deal with and storyline to follow. The players, through their characters, would advance the story, and shape its course to a degree. In addition, I'm considering implementing some sort of extremely simple dice-and-stat system that would allow characters to make attempts at critical actions (for instance, a character trying to move rubble to escape a burning building would use their Strength stat or something plus a virtual dice roll to determine success) but I'm not sure about that yet. Either way, the main focus would be on character interaction and storytelling, rather than just stats.
As for the story, I'm still working on it, but I'm thinking that it will either be set in some sort of alternate timeline or several years after MO, where all-out war has erupted between the Native and Industrialist factions. It'll also possibly involve a threat of some kind serious enough that the two might actually have to end up cooperating to survive.
Just curious to see if anyone would be interested in this, so I know it's worth continuing to work on this story and get licensed to start an actual RP thread. Thoughts and ideas are welcome as well.
Last edited by FennecFyre; 03-19-2016 at 07:12 PM..