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03-15-2016, 12:13 PM
FennecFyre's Avatar
Bola Blast
: Feb 2016
: Heck if I know.
: 437
Blog Entries: 3
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I know my laptop won't be able to run this, it struggled a little with NnT.

I guess I need to start saving for a PS4 (or PS5 if it's out by then...)
NnT I know had a desktop graphics card requirement, so any laptop would have some issues (I got low framerate in a lot of places). I'm hoping that won't be an issue with Ss. I won't mind playing it at lower graphics so long as I CAN play it, and doesn't look like it's being run on a potato.

'Course I should probably get a PS4 at some point anyway, WiLD and The Last Guardian have to come out at some point.
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