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03-13-2016, 10:11 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
Less worse
: Aug 2006
: Exquisite Squalor
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Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)

If it's anything like SOMA, yep, worth 20$. I finished SOMA in less than a day and I don't regret any of it. Fantastic game.

I traded in my 2DS for the NEW ""Nintendo"" 3DS XL. An update was released not a day earlier announcing SNES games will finally, finally, be available on a Nintendo Portable. I picked up Super Mario World immediately and regretted my eagerness a bit since Donkey Kong Country, Earthbound, Donkey Kong Country 2 and Super Metroid won't be available for about another month, and those are all I'm really interested in. If they release Earthworm Jim, Super C and the Megaman X games that would be cool too.

What a humongous gameboy this is. It's a little less broad than the Vita when it's in 'clam' mode, but unfolded it's just gigantic. The screens are huge, and for some reason you have to unscrew the back of the system to get a memory card in, but otherwise it's a great piece of hardware. The additional circle pad takes some getting used to, it calls back to the little analog nub on the original PSP.

It's funny since most games up to this point were built around people not having a second stick available, so I had to manually activate the feature in Monster Hunter. It's handy, but not being used to it is a weird handicap in some otherwise dual-stick oriented games.

It feels like a legitimate upgrade from the previous 3DS systems I've enjoyed, and I'm hoping that there are some releases that actually make use of the hardware. The extraneous shoulder buttons and second stick have yet to feel completely necessary, but I'm sure this system is just what the original 3DS was to the original DS. Hopefully Super Mario Maker makes its way onto the system, and there's really no excuse not to have a mobile library of digitized GBA games at this point.
I see you jockin' me.

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