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03-02-2016, 03:03 AM
enchilado's Avatar
I don't even know!
: Nov 2009
: Brisbane, Australia
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Blog Entries: 40
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enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)enchilado  (3478)

So tempted to change ench's username to 'enChiLaDRo'
I've actually considered asking to get it changed to "aeonchild" which I use in some places now (or potentially "ench/i" which people often call me anyway) as I'm unhappy with the masculine ending in "enchilado". But I'm attached to this name after using it for so long.

Speaking of which, can I get my custom title changed? It's so fucking inane. I cringe every time I read it.
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