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03-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Crashpunk's Avatar
cun't spill
: Feb 2008
: Nottingham, UK
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Blog Entries: 47
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Funny enough, I was actually going to try Minecraft again. The newest update has dual wielding and better combat. Something it's needed for a while now.

I've just started played SUPERHOT. Really unique FPS with a fantastic mechanic involving stopping time. When your walking around, Time moves normally. But as soon as you stop. Time slows to a crawl. Which gives you time to line up a shot and dodge enemy bullets. I can't really do it justice by talking, so I'd suggest watching some gameplay.

Gets a tad overwhelming at times and a little frustrating, but it's very satisfying once you beat the level. If you enjoyed Hotline Miami, this is right up your ally.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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