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02-02-2016, 01:33 AM
Bixer's Avatar
: Jul 2007
: London
: 50
Rep Power: 18
Bixer  (21)
Late New 'n' Tasty worth it?

I never got round to playing New 'n' Tasty when it first came out as in my eyes Abe's Oddysee was so perfect I couldn't imagine how it could be bettered.

Now I've had time to let it settle and whatnot, I wonder whether it's something I should at least give a go.

I was just wondering what the general consensus on New 'n' Tasty was around these parts? Worth getting? Better or worse than the original?
''Pokemon! Pokemon With the Poke and the Mon and the bit where the guy comes out the thing, and he bites the Blah bah bah bua'' - Bill Cosby