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01-08-2016, 07:03 AM
Crashpunk's Avatar
cun't spill
: Feb 2008
: Nottingham, UK
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Pretty much hit the nail on the head. An Oddworld Forum without Oddworld, is just a Forum.

Yes I did say before that I wanted this site to be the best place to talk about Oddworld; and I still do completely. But I admit. we can't talk about Oddworld all the time. Because there's nothing to talk about.

My problem isn't the content. Because we've had some pretty legit funny and interesting threads in off-topic. My problem is people acting like complete cunts to everyone. I just want certain people's attitudes to be sorted out. (although, I've not seen a lot of bad shit going down lately). Then and only then this place can be active again.

A new site and design isn't really what I was looking for. But the major upside to that would be the mods would have waaay more access to stuff. Enforce a new, powerful Off-topic Fairy.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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