I don't see that this is where Bethesda want to take Fallout from what little I've seen and heard. Removing character customisation might limit your aesthetic choices somewhat but really that sort of thing is fundamentally padding for an RPG game is it not? It's something RPG devs throw in because at this point they have to. What will we do if we can't customise our PC from tens of faces and bodies? How will I connect to my character if he doesn't have the same shitty slug trail on his chin as me? Etc.
No, it plays to the larger theme that’s common in all of these RPGs: freedom of choice. Which quests do you play, which NPCs do you talk to, how do you talk to them, what guns do you favor, what armor do you wear, what haircut do you have?
Linear narratives are dime a dozen, Bethesda RPGs are open worlds with an open approach.