thread: Fallout 4
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06-04-2015, 01:16 PM
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Wolvark Grenadier
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What do you mean? The dialogue? I mean I tried to explain where it's considered the story was weak - reusing old concepts, becomes a good vs evil, lack of narrative choice - but I find it hard to see how Fallout 1 and 2 are so much better written than 3.
The dialogues, the ideas, the presentation, basically everything written in the game was bad. Man, I don't really want to go there, I conciously try to block my memories of how mediocre-aweful this game is.

I mean, just look at these dialogue choices (spoiler, but who cares, it's just fallout 3 story, it's not like it's any good). They were not even trying to make it believable, intelligent or just interesting. It makes me crylaugh seeing how they consider the second line especially scientific (for those who don't know, this line would not appear if the character had low science skill level, so you actually have to level up to say such things). Also, they clearly don't know what rhetoric is, as the player with high Speech can literally tell somebody to kill himself with no further explanation for why he would ever do it and just expect him to die. That's how stupid this game is. And it's not only this scene, oh no. It's the entire game that must have come from some kid's imagination, because I choose not to believe any adult writer would fuck up it so badly.

I also refuse to continue ranting. I could do it for days. Let's just say F1 and F2 did every of those things right. And they're awesome.

EDIT: -_-

Last edited by Varrok; 06-04-2015 at 01:21 PM..
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