..Had to log in just to say this.. holy shit are you acting like a privileged spoiled baby right now or what with that last sentence. "Console loading times", seriously?
Be happy theyve added leaderboards and all the stuff in the original PS release for speedrunners, Ive seen the way you act in other threads on the forums when it comes to acting like a speedrunner who thinks he should have the game 200% tailored to fit his speedrunning needs, SOLELY because you play the game ultra competitively - and it makes me mad 
Lol, calm down mate. Im allowed to have an opinion.
No need for such hostility. I want a lot of things. Like to win Lotto. Doesnt mean you should be upset just because im dissapointed they didnt put something in. I just think that if theyre going to mention stuff like "advanced speedrunning techniques" then they shouldnt stop halfway. Ive put a thousand hours in the game. A few more wont kill me, even if Im not gonna like figuring this stuff out.
My opinion. Yours is probably different.