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01-09-2015, 08:24 PM
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Mac Sirloin
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It's not the majority who are extremists, but it's the majority who support what the extremists are doing. At this point I'm just reiterating some of the points made in the video I posted so before replying to this you should probably give that a watch so we're on the same ground.
But-that''re just wrong , is all. Momma and Poppa muslim aren't sitting at home cooped around the TV pumping their fists and chanting Allah Ackbar at these violent people blowing away a bunch of (presumably bald, paunchy) cartoonists.

Okay, I'll give that my point is not to paint you as a Racist. I don't think you're racist, Nepsotic. I think you're simply misinformed or ignorant in a way I can't be nice about.
Let's talk about this video I'm going to force myself to watch because I already know The Amazing Atheist is a bloated, ignorant gasbag.
What evidence that the firebomb attack was carried out by Muslims is there? I'm referring to a 2011 attack on the Offices of Charlie Hebdo [pronounced Sharly Ébdo, not once by the amazing atheist]
'I don't call him the prophet Muhammad, I call him the scumfuck Muhammad'.
Okay, so from 4:20 onwards he starts talking about Islam as a whole. He quotes 'some polls' and jibes some line about Reza Aslan supporting statements from Muslim countries saying 'apostates should be put to death'. Where is his proof, Nepsotic? What the fuck is he talking about?
Here's Reza Aslan, by the way.

(He starts laying down the law around 1:45, stay tuned)
Islam doesn't promote violence or Peace, Islam is just a religion and like every religion in the world, it depends on what you bring to it. If you're a violent person your Islam your Judaism your Christianity your Hinduism is gonna be violent. There are marauding buddhist monks in Myanmar slaughtering women and children-does Buddhism promote violence? Of course not. People are violent or peaceful, and that depends on their social world, the way they see their communities and they way they see themselves.
Note: I'm inclined to agree with him because he's handsome and he doesn't say "Scumfuck Muhammad"
'The west needs to stop allowing itself to persist in the fantasy that what we're dealing with is a few bad apples'.
This guy is fucking gross, and I stopped watching here.
I think that the perception that 'the majority who support what the extremists are doing' is an offensive idea of equally virulent measure. I don't think Nepsotic hates people for their skin color, everyone. I just think he listens to idiotic, ignorant shits like The Amazing Atheist.

He asserts that the Qur'an is full of messages to kill non muslims. This is true, but like similar passages in every other holy book ever written, they are a completely subjective reading falling into the pale territory between The direct word of Allah or The Followers and Muhammad (The distinction between the two, in broadest terms, is a big fucking deal in the worldwide Muslic community). More importantly: There are 1.6 Billion Muslims all over the world. At which point do they start adhering to those 102 violent edicts? Never, dipshit. Because most of today's Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Just like the vast majority of people alive today.
I don't see such a gigantic hubbub when some pale, maladjusted nerd fires down a dozen schoolchildren in Central America (The Canadian Central America, it has a Utah), so why exactly is Islam to blame Nepsotic? Explain to me why Islam is intrinsically murderous.

You didn't do any research. You watched that video and drew some perilous conclusions to say the least. The Qur'an is a complicated book, and even more of a snoozer than The Bible. I'm still picking my way through it, but I don't get an overall murderous vibe from the the whole dealie. It's more like 'donate to charity and tell other fuckers being Islamic rules the school, and also fast once a year, it sucks but y'know, god doesn't like you eating bologna any time 365 days a year Just deal with it. Our prayers sound awesome and your neck will be warm.'

Essentially, Islam is the Guns N' Roses of the Abrahamic religions. (Judaism is probably Electric Light Orchestra and Christianity is definitely Abba these days.) There's some violence there, and a hint of blathering mayhem, but it's mostly sunsets, hot babes and an all consuming love for Holy Allah Amen.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 01-09-2015 at 09:00 PM..
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