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01-02-2015, 04:38 AM
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Wolvark Shooter
: Feb 2009
: NorthWest of England
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It's steam store page listed this features as features that will be implemented instead of features that might be implemented. As far as I know people have the right to be upset about it
I know Totalbiscuit did take them to task for this, it seems as if they don't really have a good grasp on nurturing a product and then being able to release it as intended.

The Spacebase fiasco is a key example of this. People were paying money for the product with the expectation it would receive more updates in the future. Luckily I bought this when it was on sale so I didn't lose out as much as other people did but the game is in no way a 'finished product'. Announcing that they were dropping support for the game was the wrong thing to do as there were so many other options for them (outsource to other party, give development to dedicated fans, put development on hold temporarily). These types of stories do make me more skeptical of other Early Access and Indie titles, particularly ones charging upwards of £15.

I stream games and art now!

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