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12-18-2014, 07:39 AM
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Oddworld Administrator
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The zero times are caused by a bug that was introduced in a patch designed to fix a different leaderboards bug, nothing to do with hacking. Those people with zero times are unable to upload new times, and that's unfair on them. Wiping the leaderboards is the only way to let them upload legitimate times.

And I mean, how many people besides speedrunners are still playing the game? I know me and blacksuit still play. But were practicing to run the game. And sam is gonna be running the game ANY% early next year as well. Is a 2 gig patch really that big of a deal? Is it the Wii-u versions limited storage space? Or has that been resolved?
2GiB is the size of the patch that needs to be downloaded, not how much bigger the patched game will be. This is a very significant size for any patch, especially for people with slow internet or limited data allowances, and we have to consider <em>everybody</em> who's bought the game in these decisions.

98% of people played and beat the game, and stopped. maybe theyll come back later on to replay it. 1.5% would have played it for 2 weeks to platinum it. I was one of those. The other 0.5% are ur long time players. Who are working 6 hours a day to get to #1. Seems like this solution is screwing ur long time players more than the short term players. because even those who spent a week getting their time below 3 hours (which is hella easy) dont care about the leaderboards. Thats how I see it anyway.
You're right, it sucks, and I'm sorry. We're doing this to fix the leaderboards for everyone who cares about them, but there are limits to what we can accomplish. We may be able to put out a patch at a later date, but if we rush out a patch right away we stand to irreversibly impact in a bad way up to 99.5% of our customers (going by your estimates) and potentially screw over ourselves and everybody if something in the future needs to be patched. This is the sensible and sustainable and respectful solution. I'm sorry that it's not flawless, but if we didn't care about our speedrunning fans, we'd save ourselves the effort and leave the leaderboards broken.

Any news on when its going to happen? Im avoiding getting a 5:06 on paramonia. Im so close, its right at my fingertips. But i cant even risk practicing it. Same with freefire zone. I can get 1:20 or less, but I dont want to risk it if im not going to be able to beat it.
Some time on the 20th.

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