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08-11-2014, 12:03 PM
HOMINIX's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Jul 2014
: United States
: 341
Rep Power: 11
HOMINIX  (244)HOMINIX  (244)HOMINIX  (244)
Squeek's Oddysee

For around a decade now, there have been little bits of information floating around about the supposed next entry in the Oddworld Quintology, Squeek's Oddysee. But what would you guys actually like to see?

This is concept art for the Oddworld Movie, not Squeek. Just up here for atmosphere

If you were about to press play on the very first gameplay video of Squeek's Oddysee, what would you hope to see? What would his abilities be? Does he die in one hit? Is he walking around a 3D environment or would he be traversing multi-leveled 2D environment like in Abe's Oddysee?

I want to hear your opinions!

Last edited by HOMINIX; 08-11-2014 at 12:08 PM..
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