I did not bargain on you trying to refute objective assessments
The disparity there is that you claimed some vaguely referenced things as official fact, "Sligs don't have compound eyes, sligs don't eat raw meat" when they are only briefly mentioned in an unused design that was drawn by someone who
didn't create the original design of the character in question. Those are far from objective truths, especially when some details about the Oddworld universe given by Lorne Lanning himself have changed from interview to interview.
I suppose that was a bit naïve of me, considering that's exactly what happened last time.
This does remind me of last time for some reason...
I saw that HOMINIX, self-proclaimed Oddworld martyr and passionate, borderline creepy lore fanatic
Oh, that's why. This is
exactly what happened last time. We were having an argument, and you got riled up to the point of stooping to name-calling. You can do better, I still believe in you.
I think Sligs evolved to snuffle around in muck in lake beds, pulling bugs into their rasping, barbed sucker of a mouth - that's why their eyes are so tiny and useless, why they excel in an environment that provides them with a limitless supply of puréed meat by-products, and why they need vocalising masks to communicate with other species ("S'mo BS" is clearly a synthesised noise).
That's a much more effective point, based on logic, and things from the finished products of the games. The argument would've been over by now if you'd have given me your reasoning beside the fact that it appears in a quasi-canonical instance. In fact, If I do draw another wild slig, I'll most likely put him in a swamp, or by a body of water. This is why I still believe in you Meech. I know you can make effective points without getting so mad.