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08-07-2014, 03:30 PM
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Slog Bait
Outlaw Sniper
: Dec 2008
: Middle of a desert
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Yeah, exclusive to mammals on Earth.

I wouldn't put it past something to evolve with nipples while being born from eggs. Developing breast tissue to nurse offspring because for whatever reason that species can't support itself as well once hatched, but they never developed the same nursing habits avians on our planet did. Only reason I said it could make biological sense.

Though, I think if something hatched from eggs that produced milk it would end up more like the ever wonderful platypi rather than popping out with nips.

And yeah, you can usually assume somethings diet based on how it's digestive system evolved. The mouth is included in the digestive system. There's nothing saying they can't possibly process meat, but they would have a very difficult time eating it raw in the wild on land with a mouth set up like that, so it likely wouldn't be their top dietary choice.

E- I'm gonna leave this discussion be because it's cluttering your art thread.

Last edited by Slog Bait; 08-07-2014 at 03:36 PM..
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