Speaking of which, have any of you considered that maybe, rather than the gritty vision of Oddworld being pomped up/ruined for a post-Avatar sci-fi audience, the original vision was colourful and dramatic, and that was toned down to fit in with the '90s trend for brooding gloom and violence? Because as an owner of The First Ten Years, that's what I'm inclined to think.
Also the darker grittier tone could have had to do with palleting restrictions of PS1 hardware/files needing to be more compressed.
Noone seems to realise that Lorne has a totally different vision to the taste left in people's mouths by AO. This RF is what Oddworld is really about. Look at MO and SW, then look back at this.
I like it. I think it makes sense, compared to the rest of the universe and in the context of nature vs. machines. It's bold, and imposing.