Here's one major issue we found when switching to a scrolling camera:
In the original game, the edge of the screen acted as a really clear divide between areas, and you knew you may be running into danger if you crossed that clear-cut line. The edge of the screen is a 'point of commitment' where, as a player, you can make the call: "Am I ready to go to the next screen, knowing there may be something there that might kill me?"
With a scrolling camera, that point no longer exists and the decision to progress becomes way more fuzzy. It became much more likely that players would just keep running until something dangerous came into view, at which point it was usually too late to safely retreat. So the game became much harder with that one simple change.
This makes sense. I think Lorne talked about a reworked sound system designed to warn the player of upcoming danger, even more then in the original AO. Thinking of it I guess the choice of adding the floating "Z"s above the sleeping Sligs is also coming from this.
Are there other ways you warn the player of upcoming danger or try tovisually define safe/danger zones?