Anyway, come back to me around 4:10 (GMT) today when you've seen the end of the countdown
Woo! I'll be there!
It's too bad that the term 'indie' has become synonymous for "simple game", "crappy game", "cheap game", "short game" or "can't possibly be very good". While all indie really means (or should mean) is that a developer is self publishing. I like how Lorne pointed this out in the interview. N'n'T has over 5 million dollar in assets backing it (aside from the former reputation) which is vastly different from other games that fall in the 'indie' genre. A quick search around Google learns that most of those games have a budget ranging anywhere from $25.000 to $250.000 but never in the millions. For that reason this game shouldn't really be marketed as an indie title in the first place. As a studio you should be treating it like a AAA project. The audience certainly won't know the difference unless you tell them.
They should have their own unique title.
I know what you mean though. OI and JAW never seemed indie to me. Yeah sure they are independent and pay for all their own things much like any other indie developer. But when I see Oddworld Inhabitants or JAW I see them as their own companies with their own level of professionalism and it makes them stand out from lets say, Ed Mcmillan, Phil Fish, etc.
But i've got 100% faith in the game. All the best to them I say!
We should all make ridiculous calls as to what the reveal is and see who gets the closest lol.