Abe's Oddysee is so beautiful. It's terrifying, suspenseful and mysterious. You don't know what's going to be around the next corner - you don't know how nightmarish, creepy, or dare I say it - Odd, it's going to be. It's like Blade Runner.
The humour is kept to a very minimum - most of the humour is satire. "Man's inhumanity to man" and it's only say, once or twice per level. It takes itself very seriously and isn't afraid to take you to an emotional place not usually seen in animation or Sci-Fi.
The Glukkons were menacing men of few words, the Sligs seemed to be mindless violence machines, and the Mudokons were lifelong victims of abuse and propaganda. Their weakened voices proved that.
Whereas I love Abe's Exoddus - it's much more relaxed. We know what's coming, we know what to expect. With the exception of the Fleeches, everything added in Abe's Exoddus was outright comical. There was less mystery surrounding it - the Glukkons could now talk and were proving themselves to be bickering children. The Sligs were donut eating Police Officers, and the Mudokons were all angsty teens.
The more the developers flesh out Oddworld, the more of the mysterious charm we lose. Which I'm totally okay with, because I want to explore more of Oddworld in the near future!
Aesthetically, creatively and imaginatively, I think they're on par with each other. I'd kill for some high res prints of Scrabania, Monosaic Lines and the Necrum Jungle. *cough* Wil? ... get the Merchandise team on it please? *cough*
Quicksave and All'a'ya takes the crown for me when it comes to gameplay though.