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02-17-2014, 05:32 PM
Job McYossie's Avatar
Job McYossie
Outlaw Cutter
: Dec 2013
: Among the unmade music
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Oddysee was way better. I mean sure, Exoddus plays smoother and has richer mechanics, but it's just booooring. It drags on forever and none of the environments match up to AO's, except maybe the Barracks and the Brewery. And nowhere is the boredom more prominent than in the Brewery. It's just like if you took RF's Zulag 3 and kept adding more rooms to it, that and the mines are just the most grating environments in the game.
AO is always tense, is well paced and pretty fucking funny when it wants to be, whereas with AE it was trying to be too funny and toned down the atmosphere, AE didn't make me laugh as much as AO, but it did have a few good moments.
AE just dragged out for too long, and I get that they were trying to keep it new and fresh with the introduction of new mechanics throughout the game, but it just didn't work.
Seems like an explanation of opinion to me.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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