thread: Broken Age Beta
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01-13-2014, 01:06 PM
Job McYossie's Avatar
Job McYossie
Outlaw Cutter
: Dec 2013
: Among the unmade music
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Blog Entries: 24
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Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)Job McYossie  (857)


You are a one and only. There can never, and I imagine will never, be another person such as yourself. Not just here in the Oddworld Forums, but indeed any forum on, or off, of the internet. Unfortunately, our forum happens to be the forum that ended up getting you. No one else could have been titled "Our worst member ever". When I see you, I am never sure weather to shudder, or applaud. I digress, you are a big part in what makes this community, and joking aside, I am glad that you are here.

That Person Who Showed Up Out Of Nowhere.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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