I'm assuming just simply asking, begging, or anything of the like was also tried and hasn't worked.
We could always sic Manco and their puns on him until he submits and hands over the forums
Or just sic OANST on him.
Is there a possibility he might give Nate and Wil server access if enough forumers speak up about it or something? Maybe constantly bring it up to him in a short period of time. Unless he's really that stubborn, we might be able to annoy him into retiring
Also, explaining how his neglect of the forums is fucking us over might better the chances. And pointing out that by either relinquishing the server or making it possible for Nate and Wil to do their thing it gives him one less "obligation"
I really don't know. I don't even know how he feels towards the forum. though I'd assume positive or indifferent seeing how it's still alive and kicking. kind of.