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07-31-2013, 03:10 AM
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Speaking of Saint's Row, there's a Humble Deep Silver Bundle going on now, which includes, among other things, SR2 and SR3 (SR3 Full Package if you pay above average).
The latest Humble Bundle is selling Steam keys for Deep Silver games, including:
  • Saints Row 2
  • Saints Row 3
  • Risen 2
  • Sacred 2
Dead Island and Saints Row 3: The Full Package are being offered as rewards for paying above the average, and Dead Island: Riptide for paying more than $25. Plus soundtracks, etc etc.

If you don’t already own SR3 for PC it’s well worth buying, unlike SR2 it’s a decently-made port with no issues.

I’ve also been playing SR2 recently and while it’s a pretty bad port there are a couple of fanmade mods which make it very playable:Once you get it working SR2 is a very good game, and while it’s not as polished as SR3 it has a lot more to do in terms of missions and activities, and personally I think it has a more interesting story.

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Last edited by Manco; 07-31-2013 at 03:13 AM..
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