Person A is a straight male. He likes having sex with women. For him it isn't a power thing, he just likes sex. He's a normal person.
Person B is also a straight male, but he has a power fetish. He wants to exert control over women. He gets off on violence. He has rape fantasies. He's a potential sexual predator. A pervert. There are lots of Person B in this world. Lots more than you'd think. For whatever reason, most will never act on it. Some do.
Person C is a pedophile. He gets sexually aroused by the thoughts of children. He doesn't like fantasizing about children, because he's not a sociopath. He's fully aware children can't consent. He knows what he desires is morally wrong, so he hides it. To relive stress, he may look up some erotic literature or art. He may even be a lolicon*. Sexuality is a weird thing, so later in life he comes to accept himself to an extent and gets a wife and child. He doesn't have sexual impulses towards his child for the same reason Person A wouldn't have sexual impulses towards their grown daughter. He lives a generally happy life without hurting anyone.
Person D is sick. Maybe it was how he was brought up, maybe it's the gene pool, but for whatever reason, he wants to exert dominance over children. He wants to degrade and humiliate little kids to feel in control of his own life. Maybe he never has the 'courage' to act on these impulses. Maybe he relieves himself by masturbating to real child porn where real children get hurt. It doesn't matter, this guy is still dangerous. He's passively endorsing others who do act on their impulses. He needs to be put away for the protection of our children.
Without even getting into the numerous psychological differences between C and D, my point is that D is far closer to B than he ever is to C. Children can't consent. Any psychologically stable adult understands this. Even if a child says yes, they cannot understand what it means to consent. A child molestor is a rapist. Rape is a crime. An action. You can't arrest people or put them on a list for thought crime, for what they might do because of their sexual preference.
What about these freaks who are in love with horses or tigers? Same deal. Animals can't consent. It's rape. It'll always be fucked up rape. Someone who has crossed the line to rape will always have more in common with other rapists than they ever have with normal people who have a psychological block on rape.
*If Person C ever watched real child porn then they automatically become Person D. Children cannot consent. They are accomplices in the act of rape, making them dangerous.
I'm thoroughly exhausted so I'm very sorry if I said something that didn't make sense. I'll try to get back to you when I return.
Also please understand that I'm not trying to champion the rights of pedophiles. I just don't believe anyone should ever be held accountable for what they feel, and that The Pedophile isn't a malevolent entity that blurs the line between fantasy and reality.
well yeah when you put it like that in a fucking ideal world of course i agree, partially. but in the end i don't agree at all, because you're overcomplicating it with specific examples. broaden the scope. yeah, there are people like person C, but there are also people like person C who
are cunts and will eventually molest some kid. maybe they think they can get away with it, maybe it's just a spur of the moment thing, but it still happens.
so person C turns into person D, or maybe B, the point is all paedophiles arent going to match up to that representation, some just really are fucking scumbags, and they dont have to become child molesters to do that. with something like this where the entire human race is being taken into account, the rule of thumb should be 'people aren't nice'. you should assume the worst of every situation, and prepare for it, because there are too many of us to believe otherwise.
person C suddenly becoming person D doesnt do much in the way of representing category C as harmless paedophiles either. i know they're not all the same, but i think the despicable actions of a few far outweigh the silent 'non-actions' of the rest. there will always be someone who goes too far, even if they mean well, and then hey presto you have another incident.
my advice to paedophiles who havent yet lost their souls: stop masturbating over shit that resembles child porn, that'd be a start. i'm sure it doesn't exactly help matters. show some self restraint, do that, and i might start to believe the guilt you apparantly feel. don't do that, and you're just proving me right and are therefore, by definition, a cunt.