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07-22-2013, 01:25 PM
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STM makes the first point that jumped into my head when I heard about this. How do you define porn? I'm sure everybody has their own idea of what pornography is, and that alone indicates so clearly to me that this is a following a slippery slope which will lead to further censorship of different types of "undesirable" information (also bear in mind this is the same government who closed a plethora of libraries - perhaps the only place any regular person can go and educate him/herself and made a good education much less accessible to an average proletarian). I personally find the entire affair deeply disturbing (and there is some sickening bias in the media - the first report I saw actually made the focus an abused dead child and put emphasis on the child pornography aspect - the first report I read which focused on the actions of the Government was on the Independent website) and strongly fear for how easily an ordinary person (especially one unable to afford a university education) is going to be able to access whatever information he/she likes.

And the true intent of these actions is made even more clear to me when I hear the argument (from Cameron, the ratbag serpent himself) "pornography is corroding childhood" (which alone insults parents across the country, as it suggests that they are unfit have responsibility over their own childen. Also, another argument could be that it apparently absolves parents of responsibility over their children). Clearly, the government wants an excuse to regulate the information people consume, and (as with the war on terror) want an excuse to more closely monitor people's behaviour, which they attempt to achieve by placing the words "child" and "pornography" in the same sentence to elicit a strong reaction from the less intellectually endowed individuals and reactionary among us who are unable to see the wider implications and the kind of repression this kind of thing is inevitably going to lead to.

And it's people like the conservatives who condemn socialism and people like Fidel Castro, trying to paint a picture of censorship and suppression. This is not the amusing kind of irony (and bear in mind that the conservative paper Daily Mail was supportive of Hitler until the prevailing consensus was that he was a bad man - I don't like to drag the nazzies into my arguments, but fact of the matter is that the attitudes the conservatives have are the foundation for more extreme measures against ordinary working people).

EDIT: Shit! Tirade over.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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