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06-03-2013, 03:55 PM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
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: Feb 2007
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I used to find Disco Volante quite unusual, and I can still understand why it's not accessible to a lot of folk, but I actually find it quite easy to listen to and quite far from bizarre (but this is after god knows how many years of being exposed to it - maybe I've just grown used to it the way I've grown used to Trout Mask Replica), and I love Trevor Dunn's fretless bass tone on Platypus. Mac Sirloin, should you read this, you should look at some of Dunn's stuff if you're still interested in bass.

Actually, on the subject of bass, Rockette Morton, ladies and gentlemen.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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