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05-02-2013, 03:54 PM
Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Mr. Bungle
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Jul 2010
: Great White North
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Blog Entries: 48
Rep Power: 19
Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)

Well I'm a bit of a Marvel fanboy (loved the hell out of Avengers and thought Iron Man 1 and 2 were both pretty enjoyable; the former more than that latter) so I should enjoy it. I like what they're doing with the Marvel film universe.
steam me hard