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04-02-2013, 03:23 PM
Git'Im's Avatar
: Apr 2013
: Slig Detention Center
: 110
Rep Power: 12
Git'Im  (22)

I was interested in the prospect of a new Oddworld Forums Skin. So I decided to make one.

 photo NewOddworldForumsSkinJPEG_zps67e238a7.jpg

I'd call it something like the 'Magog Cartel Skin' or something like that.
The text needs completely redone ...maybe an oddworld themed font wouldn't go miss....

Other then that I like it man, did you do it on Microsoft paint?
“PEOPLE STANDING ON ESCALATORS - THAT IS A TESTIMONY TO HUMAN LAZINESS. I mean the guy who invented the escalator is just kicking himself in the ass!”
-Krist Novoselic

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