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03-15-2013, 05:25 AM
Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Mr. Bungle
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Jul 2010
: Great White North
: 3,668
Blog Entries: 48
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Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)Mr. Bungle  (3539)

I'd say Kick-Ass is closer to a genre parody than a straight up spoof, but overall it's just a comedy movie and an interesting look at superheroes.

I watched the first scene of Falling Down the other day while high on marijuana and cough medicine.

I need to see that movie.
steam me hard