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01-21-2013, 08:55 AM
: Jan 2013
: On the bottom of the ocean
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Wisp  (10)
Farewell Oddworld Forums

Good lord, it really has been a long time.
I did not want to do this for awhile, but this is my last post on Oddworld Forums. No, this is not a welcome thread, or a rushed, pathetic attempt at trolling. I will not respond to a single post in this thread, nor will I create any further accounts here. I will, of course, lurk this forum occasionally, as it remains a major repository of Oddworld news. But I no longer wish for this forum to serve any purpose in my life beyond that.
To clarify a few things, first of all I do not dislike any of you, nor do I consider my experience on here to be unfair. When I created my first account here, I was an ignorant twelve year old, too eager to become what I stupidly thought was an “official” Oddworld fan by registering on this forum. I had neither the intelligence nor the patience to read into the discussions on here, and had an absurd goal of inflating my post count. When I began to recover from all that, my brother registered an account that quickly became a catalyst in the killing of my already-low reputation (despite everything utterly imbecilic that I’ve ever done here, I’m sticking with the fact that it was indeed my brother simply because that is what truly happened). I am still a little angry at my brother, but I am much more angry at my own behavior in response to the situation. Instead of treating the situation rationally, as I should have done, I began whining like the retarded twelve-year old that I was. The first few times I have attempted to come back, I wanted a fresh start, but my retarded 12/13 year old brain for some reason decided on a pathetic “revenge plan” by spamming the forum with caps lock and leetspeak. I no longer blame any of you for ridiculing me at this point, because I was a complete fucktard that deserved every bit of it, and if I had met someone acting like that today, I would have done what the worst of you have done to me. Later on, not only did I attempt to take out my angst on the entirety of the forum by “revealing myself” in new accounts, but I was too fucking arrogant to admit what a complete fucktard I was, instead deciding to blame other members. So I no longer blame any of you for treating me like the angsty, arrogant fuckwit that I was. This forum is truly a wonderful community full of intelligent members. I simply wish I wasn’t a braindead early teenager when I found it.
Many of you seem to think that all these years, OWF has formed a major part of my life. That could not be further from the truth. While I did spend time making ridiculous amounts of multiple accounts, I was largely focused on other matters in my life. In fact I hadn’t visited in almost a year before making GormanDisenza. The main reason I was so fixated on this forum in particular is because I put Oddworld at the utmost peak of my life, and, given my gaming OCD, it just didn’t feel right for me to be an Oddworld fan and not an accepted member of this forum. It is only now that I openly accept that my utter boneheadedness and childish behavior have led me to utterly fail here, which is why I have decided to let go and leave. It is only now that I decided to accept the fact that the Oddworld franchise still has a long lifespan, and fan communities will likely die and emerge over the years. Perhaps another community will emerge; one where I may be able to find a place as a contributing member. But I wish to cut out my failed OWF membership from my life entirely.
I also realized my mistake when I stupidly accused the entire forum of caring about me revealing myself. I now realize that none of you gave a fuck about my idiocy in any way other than a means of entertainment. My mistake was projecting Nate’s behavior toward my alts onto the entire community. The majority of you may not have given a fuck about my multiple accounts but Nate did. Now, other admins and moderators have all banned me, but they rightfully did so given my multiple infractions and general behavior on the forums. Nate, on the other hand went out of his way to make my bans as audacious and humiliating as possible. In fact, I’d say he was more obsessed with banning me than I was with attempting to return to the forums. So, in spite of everything that I’ve done, every asinine and moronic post I’ve ever made, fuck you Nate. I may have deserved the ridicule, but your banning practices only made me want to come back more in an attempt to reconcile my reputation.
That is all. I will never create a new account here, and I will not make a single reply here. I simply wanted to let everyone know that I am done and leaving this forum for good. Goodbye.
PS: No doubt you will ban me after reading this. Could you also do me a favor and permanently ban the account I Am MS1029? It is an unverified account that I used whenever I wanted to get past the search captchas, but I am being serious when I want to cut out membership of this forum from my life.
PPS: I once recall Nate being curious as to what my fetish is. It is autogynephilia. Yes, I am being completely serious.
PPPS: A shoutout to a certain member here. Me and this member are both regulars on a different forum and when coming back here a couple days back I nearly had a heart attack to find that he is also a regular here, and has encountered me here before. A few quick searches confirmed that they are indeed the same member and it is not simply a coincidence of usernames. Maybe you will figure out who I am on that forum. Since I use a different name and am far more respected there than here, you almost certainly will not.
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