thread: New 'n' Tasty
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12-16-2012, 10:37 PM
marlz's Avatar
: Jun 2008
: australia
: 218
Rep Power: 17
marlz  (14)


Going back a few conversations to what SoloStark was saying about how the "orange haze" seemed to be more present all over the sections of Rupture Farms that we've seen... what take to people have on that? Better with the Zulag colour playing into the environment all-round or just a bit overbearing? I'm rather curious as no-one took note of it, but it's an interesting idea: is more metal needed or does the fog work fine?

Although... birds. Haha, an idea has come to mind. Remember the Abe Portal in Monsaic Lines?
Well, here's a thought. Considering how much the birds seem to just be part of the atmosphere, blissfully tweeting away until you move past too loudly, what do people think about having some groups of birds in certain areas coming together to make Abe Portals? (just to perhaps make them a little more distinct)
Not so much a case of finding heaps of birds together, but perhaps something to give the Abe Portals a distinguishable difference aside from just rotating.
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Last edited by marlz; 12-16-2012 at 10:50 PM..
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