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10-23-2012, 04:25 PM
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Oddworld Administrator
Rainbow of Flavour
: Apr 2002
: Seattle (woo!)
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That's precisely why I like him too. He has this optimistic, weird, child-like quality to him. But he can also be pretty bad-ass (I LOVE his speech at Stonehenge). Tennant got too mopey and..."emo" at the end. I mean, did he REALLY have to be so whiny about his regeneration? Especially considering how jarring it was in the end. It was like...
My issue with Tennant towards the end wasn't the mopeyness, it was the fact that they'd Flanderised the character to a series of tics and a pile of shouty heroics.

I like it when they get newscasters and public personalities talking nonsense on TV.
Dear god. Why the hell did they get Richard Dawkins talking about astronomy?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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