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10-23-2012, 06:59 AM
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It went from "OMG he's going, it's so saaaaaaad!" to "hey, I'm the new, quirky Doctor! Woohoo!" in, like, a second!
That was the point, though.

I kinda like Rory
Rory is the best latest companion, River Song was OK at first, but they overdid her to hell, especially with her being Amy and Rory's daughter.
BTW, am I alone in thinking Donna was the best of the new companions?
I put her at the second best of all of his companions, Sarah Jane being the first, oh god, I hated Jo Grant.
What? I was just saying that I thought the way that season ended was stupid. I liked most of The Master plotline, but the way it ended was awful.
Ugh... that entire season I hate, and Martha was the main reason.
Did anyone else like Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor? I've always though he should had at least one more series.
Yeah, I liked him, but he didn't really have enough time in the role to show his true potential.
I don't think that the writing under Moffat has been, on average, worse than in the RTD days. Emphasis on 'on average'! I think that the last two and a half years have been fairly consistently meh, with one or two good episodes in between.
Steven Moffat works better as a part-time writer, in my opinion they need a new head writer altogether.
That's precisely why I like him too. He has this optimistic, weird, child-like quality to him. But he can also be pretty bad-ass (I LOVE his speech at Stonehenge). Tennant got too mopey and..."emo" at the end. I mean, did he REALLY have to be so whiny about his regeneration? Especially considering how jarring it was in the end. It was like...
Yeah, they did kind of milk that ending, but it had me and my 25 year old brother crying.
Both double-episode stories with the Master had the same problem; the first episode ended with the world utterly, irreparably damaged, which meant that the only way to save the day was to hit a massive RESET button
That was RTD's problem. For example, in every single RTD Dalek episode, it ALWAYS ended with somehow every single last Dalek in the uiverse being destroyed, and then they'd always have to come up with some stupid over-the-top reason to get them back again. Whereas Moffat, he does it right, just like the classic days. Too bad his Daleks look so goddamn shitty.
What I like about Moffat is his take on the concept of time travel.
That's one of the reasons I dislike him as a head writer. He tries to be too clever with the concept of time, and most of the time, it results in massive plot holes or just making no sense at all.
And for the record: Donna is also probably my favorite companion. At least "full-time" companion. If he counts, I take Captain Jack Harkness.
Oh Jesus, no.
What? I was just saying that I thought the way that season ended was stupid. I liked most of The Master plotline, but the way it ended was awful.
Yeah, that made literally no sense whatsoever and was completely and utterly impossible.

It's quite a shame, really, as the Master was genuinely a good and interesting character.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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