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10-23-2012, 03:11 AM
Walter44's Avatar
: Mar 2008
: Germany
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Walter44  (92)

I have only seen seasons 1 to 6 of the new series and there are things I genuinely like about the Moffat-era. Granted, there are things I preferred in th RTD-era (more episodes on present-day earth, more overarching plotlines, overall more consistency) but what I like about Moffat is his creativity in terms of monsters (I friggin' LOVE the Silence!) and his take on the concept of time travel. It always seemed to me that, for RTD, time travel was just a plot device to get the Doctor and the gang to wherever and whenever he wanted to have them. But Moffat plays with this concept, shown, for example, in that one Christmas special where they ripped off "A Christmas Carol" or the season 5 finale (granted, this finale has one of the stupidest plotholes ever: If the Pandorica was meant as a prison SPECIFICALLY FOR THE DOCTOR, then why can it be opened with the Sonic Screwdriver, HIS NUMBER 1 GADGET?). So yeah, there's good and bad in both eras. I still enjoy them both.

My favorite Doctor? Again, I can only judge the latest three, but I'd say 11, with 10 very close behind.
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