Did anyone else like Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor? I've always though he should had at least one more series.
Yes, but he didn't want to do it unfortunately.
Littleleeroy is spot on. Smith is a fantastic Doctor stuck with some awful writing. I think saying you want RTD back is a bit overboard, though. Having watched some of the earlier new seasons again recently I've realised how weak some of his season finales were. The Martha season was the worst, especially after the decent setup of Utopia.
I thought that the Martha series had some good episodes and Martha herself was a good companion. Light years ahead of both Rose and Amy.
Thread note: Pay attention to my use of the words 'I thought'. I don't know why this topic seems to encourage people to make blanket, universal statements of fact.
I don't think that the writing under Moffat has been, on average, worse than in the RTD days. Emphasis on '
on average'! I think that the last two and a half years have been fairly consistently meh, with one or two good episodes in between. By comparison, the RTD series had fantastic episodes (mostly written by Moffat, incidentally) followed by incredibly dire, terrible ones. So many episodes that involve antagonists that are so overwhelmingly overpowered that the only way to defeat them was through a deus ex machina ending, which RTD readily provided.
I can't think of any abysmally written episodes in the last two years, but neither can I think of any wonderful ones.