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10-15-2012, 08:10 AM
Super Stingbee
: Nov 2009
: X
: 491
Rep Power: 16
kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

I took look into all level files with Cheat Engine (Hex Editor) i found out that f1.lvl, f2.lvl and f4.lvl contains Scrab & Paramite sprites inside level.
Also i started make new level and video of it. This little chaos haves also Sligs and Slogs to mess players thoughs while running background:

This level will be still slightly at beta stage.

EDIT: Wolfenstein posted at the sametime something interesting...
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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