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09-20-2012, 01:25 PM
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Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
: Merrie olde Englande
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Oddworld Oddworld Forums Fan Art Competition 2012

What ho chums!

It's been quite a while since our last art competition but, by popular demand, it's back! And this time the theme is 'Industrialism vs Nature'! This is a major theme in Oddworld canon, and is open for wide interpretation, whether it's terrible battles and the grinding gears of progress chewing up the natural world, or crumbling facilities being reclaimed by recovering wildlife and shamanic natives.

So whaddaya gotta do?
  1. Draw, paint, craft or in whatever way you choose create a piece of Oddworld-themed art incorporating the theme of 'Industrialism vs Nature'!
  2. Give it a title. Titles are good! (The title may not be the same as the competition theme. I reserve the right to give a facetious title to any piece of art where the artist forgets this step).
  3. Upload your creation (or a picture thereof) onto an image-hosting website (see rules below).
  4. Send it in a PM to me, with it's title, before the competition deadline date (see below).
  5. Sit back and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done! Aaaaaah.

I'm no longer as bothered about the anonymity of the author of each piece as I have been in past years. However, I still don't want any piece of work openly visible online before the competition has closed and the judges have made their decisions. To this end, the following rules apply:
  1. Do not host your picture on Deviant Art, Oddworld Forums or any other site where it can easily be found by other forum members (my personal recommendation is Image Shack, mostly just because they seem to keep images for a very long time). You can upload it to dA or anywhere else you choose after the competition has been judged.
  2. Do not post your picture on the forums or otherwise describe it or post its name online.

Additional rules:
  1. You may not use any fan created species or any species that only appeared in concept art or in the art book. Only species that have appeared in the Oddworld games may be pictured. In addition, you may not include any characters that you've previously created and used in other art or fiction.
  2. You may only submit art created specifically for this competition; you may not submit anything displayed online before.
  3. You must incorporate the competition theme in some way, no matter how abstract it may be.
  4. You must not plagiarise, copy or trace any existing art, Oddworld-related or not. Nor can you manipulate existing pictures or images to create your piece (excepting stock textures); your submission must be entirely your own work. If you use a stock texture or image, you must include a link to it when you PM me your piece.

Each judge will reward each piece 10 points for each of the following topics:
  • Quality: How good is your piece generally, for what it is? (Note that you won't be compared with the other submissions for this, so don't worry about your pencil drawing being outclassed by someone else's digital image. However, this topic also covers how much evident effort you've gone to).
  • Oddness: How well your piece captures the feel of Oddworld, and how well you depict its environments, creatures and themes of the Oddworld universe.
  • Creativity: How original is your submission? Does it stand out from other art?
  • Use of Theme: How imaginatively and successfully does your piece incorporate the competition theme, Industrialism vs Nature? (Note that creative interpretation of the theme has caused grief in previous years; judges will be encouraged to think broadly when considering this category).
  • Overall Impression: Simply how your piece makes the judge feel. Does it evoke their emotions? Does it have the elusive 'wow factor'?
Each judge will give a total out of 50 points, and the numbers given by each judge will be totalled to make your overall score. The number of judges will be decided later on.

The closing date for the competition is 11:59PM on October the 31st, 2012. Please submit your finished piece before this date. If you submit your piece early you are free to edit it and resubmit it. If you submit it late, you will be penalised 10 points for your poor organisational skills (fie on you!)

The competition will only go ahead if I receive three or more submissions, so the date may be extended if it becomes necessary so as to reach this number. If this number is reached before the deadline, it will be extended by a maximum of one week for late-comers. If we do not get enough entrants before the deadline, it will be extended by a maximum of one month.
If you submit your work before the deadline you may resubmit it with minor edits in any given extension period. Major edits in a resubmitted piece after the deadline will be subject to the 10-point penalty.

If the competition is cancelled after the deadline due to a lack of interest, I will post here, and also endeavour to PM anyone who had already submitted an entry, though I make no promises on this latter point.

When the judges have given their scores, all images and their scores will be posted in Fan Corner, along with any comments the judges wish to make. The winner will be forever immortalised in the Fan Corner Hall of Fame.

So whaddaya wait'n fur? GET BACK TA WORK!!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 09-20-2012 at 02:03 PM..
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