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09-06-2012, 11:07 AM
Super Stingbee
: Nov 2009
: X
: 491
Rep Power: 16
kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

Thanks, now i get it...

3. Inject code into the game (my ddraw.dll) which can read some file (myledmesages.txt from the .lvl for example) which then patches the strings as in 2.
Looked most promising one.

Waiting now for next version of Level Editor.
LED text editing was also my first ever found thing with Cheat Engine
But, not count that so special found.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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