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09-06-2012, 06:30 AM
Super Stingbee
: Nov 2009
: X
: 491
Rep Power: 16
kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

So now the DLL has the mod UI, works for AO and AE and allows custom hint fly and led messages, custom AE cams, adding as many collision items as you like and changing the map size.
This is cool! Is Editor editing straigh .exe files or just something else?
I have used Cheat Engine to change those led messages, but changes were only temporarely in use...
And i dont want touch for default messages inside .exe

But, is those LED messages editable inside .lvl?
It's possible that it works different way than i though.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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