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09-03-2012, 02:33 PM
Wings of Fire's Avatar
Wings of Fire
Beautiful Bastard
: Dec 2007
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I was at the part shortly after the War ends, when Kefka is in jail. I'm now looking for the Espers that have been running around causing shenanigans, as Terra and that thief guy (whose name escapes me as I named him after my cat). I'm not quite sure where to go now; this game can be very vague on objective details... very vague.

But it wouldn't be FF if it wasn't like that, I guess.
Have you been to a town called Thamas yet and met Stragos and Relm? If not, that's your next destination. You go to Albrook and get a ship with General Leo to the place where it is.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’