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08-09-2012, 03:26 AM
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No Artificial Colours
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20 hours into KH:DDD and I think I may be at the end. I'm really not sure.

On the whole the worlds have been a bit disappointing. The story feels really forced and rushed with a tacky "believe in your hearts" message at the end. I don't really understand what they're doing differently to KH1 and 2, but it's not good. The overarching story is intriguing, although I thought it jumped the shark a bit at time travel. Everything from Xigbar/Braig appearing was really strange and Xigbar's dialogue was awful. There are no safe-areas in the worlds, which means that there are hardly any NPCs to interact with. The worlds feel empty and dead, which is really detrimental to a KH game.

The combat is still amazing. I'm playing on normal and feeling challenged. It's not uncommon for me to die facing the harder enemies. Carelessness will lead to death, unlike the Areal Recover spamfest of KH2. Ariel Recovery is still an ability, but you can no longer recover whenever you want and it's really hard to time. Flowmotion makes exploring really fun and some of the chests provide really useful commands to justify flying around. Some of the huge buildings in the last world were excellent to climb.

I'm about the clear the last world as Riku, although I have some leveling to do before I can take down the third consecutive boss. After Sora's boss for that world it just feels unfair to give Riku such a long slog without a save point. I realised after dieing 10 times on the third form that I may need more Curagas in my command deck, but changing that would involve leaving the fight and facing the first two forms again.

I'm a bit disappointing by some aspects of the game and it's not as perfect as I'd hoped, but it's still magnificent to play and I'm really enjoying it.

e: I cracked 3k posts and I didn't even notice. Oops.