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01-06-2012, 04:08 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Disgruntled Intern
Faerie-Digesting Tachyon
: Dec 2001
: Port Orchard, Washington
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I dont say this a lot and usually I dont like it as an argument, but it sounds like you're just bad at it.
Maybe I am. I played the fuck out of the first two games and never got as frustrated as I did with this bit, though. The fact that there are so many things to get hung up/stuck on in the shop makes it annoying, and every time I tried to run outside to get some breathing room, the man-beast would toss a car my way and get me next to death. Then various bullets would finish the job. This happened four times in a row. FOUR.

Out of curiosity DI, have you played Saint’s Row 2? If so, how does 3 compare? I haven’t had the chance to buy it, and honestly I’m a little apprehensive after hearing some negative opinions on it. I loved 2 though, so I kinda want to play 3 to see how it compares.
The first was fun, I felt like it improved on a lot of previous issues that GTA had while still managing to make fun of itself and not be too serious. The second I liked even more for those reasons, as well as the general improvements that were made. This one...Eh. I don't know, rent it. I was initially going to buy it just because I liked the first two so much, but got sidetracked with Skyrim and just rented it instead. Definitely glad I didn't buy it.

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