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01-06-2012, 02:49 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Disgruntled Intern
Faerie-Digesting Tachyon
: Dec 2001
: Port Orchard, Washington
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Blog Entries: 41
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I admit it has a pretty slow start, the first missions are a mix of tutorials and boring ones for the most part, but it really picks up later on.
Meh, still not impressed. Granted I rage quit out of like the second mission because it was just shitty. It was the one where you're in a gun shop and some bane-esque mongoloid that's all hopped up on steroids comes in and chases you around the tiny ass shop. Go outside and get nailed by like 14 gang members just waiting for you with guns. Stay inside, rarely get the chance to shoot muscle man [who's next to invincible, apparently] because he's faster than me and can kill me in about three hits. Of course what makes that even better is that I'm rendered useless by his first attack.

Like I said, rage quit. It just felt glitchy and forced and awkward.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.