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01-04-2012, 12:22 AM
Daxter King's Avatar
Daxter King
Outlaw Bomber
: Oct 2005
: Texas
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Blog Entries: 57
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Been playing quite a bit. Saints Row 3 the most, the more I play the more I love and hate it. I love everything it does right, story missions, writing, and the like. I hate everything it does wrong, like every other fucking activity being a god damned escort mission. Escort missions are one of the most complained about levels in video games, right next to water levels. It baffles me how a game which does everything else so right in realizing it is a video game could make such a big fuck up. I still love the game, but not as much, but more at the same time.

Finally started Rayman as well, fucking great game. Admittedly I am not that great at 2D platformers, but the controls at times still do feel a bit sloppy. I finished the first world, think I am just going to do that and get the side stuff for last.

Going through Gears 3 on insane with a friend as well, its pretty fucking brutal. Some parts get pretty cheap, but overall I still love me some Gears.

Im also reminded I need to finish Deus Ex Human Revolution.